In the whirlwind of teenage life, where academic pressures, social dynamics, and self-discovery take center stage, an unsung hero quietly holds the key to well-being — sleep. Join us on a journey guided by the wisdom of Dr. Funke Afolabi Brown as we unravel the profound connection between sleep and teen mental health, exploring the […]
Tag: adhd
Managing your mental health in the middle years
Summer Mental Health Maintenance.
How to effectively parent youth with mental health diagnosis: Parenting a child with ADHD(Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder(ADHD).Part 1
This week we will discuss parenting a child who is hyperactive.Children and teens with ADHD experience symptoms such as being very active, unable to sit still, talkative, and cutting into adult conversations. They may be reluctant to hold your hand when crossing a busy street and may even run across before you are ready to […]